On Wednesday, May 29, Tata Steel will release its financial results for the quarter and the year that ended on March 31. Based on analysis by Zee Business, Tata Steel is projected to report a consolidated net profit of Rs 1,354 crore for the March quarter, a 20% decrease from the same period last year. Analysts predict that the Tata Group company's sales for the March quarter would be Rs 61,096 crore, down from Rs 62,962 crore in the previous year.
According to the research, analysts predicted that the business would report profits before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) of Rs 6,516 crore for the March quarter, a decrease of 9.8% from the previous year.
Tata Steel's Q3 Result
In the October to December quarter of the previous fiscal year, the firm reported a consolidated net profit of Rs 522.14 crore, a significant increase from the enormous Rs 2,501.95 crore loss in the same period of the previous fiscal year.
Earnings before interest, tax, depreciation, and amortisation (EBITDA) for the firm was Rs 6,264 crore as of the end of the previous year, as opposed to Rs 4,048 crore. Margin increased to 11.3 percent from 7% year over year.
Tata Steel Share Price History
Compared to the Nifty50's gain of more than 23 percent, Tata Steel's shares have returned more than 61 percent over the course of a year.
Tata Steel Announces Dividend 2024
The recommendation for a dividend on equity shares, if any, for the fiscal year that concluded on March 31, 2024, will also be taken into account by the board of the firm.