Sammmm, a teen self-care brand, has successfully secured Rs 10 crore which comes to about USD 1.2 million in a seed funding round. The funding round was spearheaded by Fireside Ventures, and saw participation from the likes of Sauce VC and angel investors Nihir Parikh, Sachin Parikh, and Shantanu & Nikhil Mehra. As per the press release, the funds that have been generated will be utilized to expand its product portfolio, establish a multi-channel presence, and increase brand visibility.
The brand was established back in 2024 by Rishi Seth and Mantosh Roy, wherein, it focuses on aiding teens integrate self-care into their daily lives while also aiding them explore individuality and self-expression.
The brand is based out of Mumbai, and is known in the market for offering beauty, wellness, and lifestyle products which are tailored for teenagers which include Gen Z and Gen Alpha. Furthermore, it aims to fill a gap in the market by offering a platform for teens to co-create tailored products that meet specific needs.
Currently, Sammmm has introduced three main products - Glow Moisturizer, Fresh Face Cleanser, and Love Lip Tint Oil - wherein, these products are developed with clinically tested ingredients so as to ensure utmost effectiveness and transparency.
Furthermore, the brand intends to expand its operations, develop new products that align with their preferences and strengthen its connection with teens.