Sagar Sinha, a motivational speaker and influencer, has established a Rs 10 crore fund for startups. According to an Entrackr report, Singh hopes to use this funding to help entrepreneurs and start-ups alike reach their objectives.
"I'm thrilled to help the upcoming wave of innovators and business owners. According to Entrackr, Singh expressed his belief that investment in startups and entrepreneurs may have a good influence on society and promote sustainable growth.
Singh has given Josh Talks and TedX Talks. Singh describes himself as a “leading motivational speaker, well-known corporate trainer, and business coach” and has 2.2 million YouTube followers.
Furthermore, Sinha asserts that he has given over 5,000 seminars. He promotes financial material on websites like YouTube and Instagram. For instance, Sinha discussed investing Rs 500 in small- and mid-cap mutual funds and their returns in one of his Instagram videos.
Sinha launched a corporate training program for business owners in July of last year. The goal of the course is to concentrate on fundamental information and abilities. "As an entrepreneur, I've encountered numerous challenges and hurdles, and these experiences have shaped my vision to help aspiring business leaders," Sinha had stated, according to the Financial Express.
I hope to impart my experience and mentoring to new entrepreneurs through my corporate training programs, enabling them to pursue their objectives with more assurance and efficiency.
In India, the number of funfluencers has increased. There are several unregistered finfluencers in the nation, like Shreyaa Kapoor, Rachana Ranade, and Ankur Warikoo. In an effort to control financiers, the Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) has been working.
It has already taken action against a number of influencers who used social media to advise Dubiois. Additionally, it restricted mutual funds and brokers from employing unregistered finfluencers' services.