The date of the RK Swamy initial public offering (IPO) is set for tomorrow, Tuesday, March 12. The RK Swamy IPO allocation is complete. The crediting of shares to demat accounts for those who have been allotted shares will take place today, Monday, March 11. Today will also see the completion of the refund procedure for individuals who have not yet received their shares.
Investors responded favorably to the problem overall. According to BSE data, RK Swamy's IPO subscription status was 25.94 times. Qualified Institutional Buyers (QIBs) have been booked 20.58 times, Non Institutional Investors (NIIs) 34.36 times, and the retail component 34.03 times. 2.52 subscriptions have been made to the employee section.
In the public offering, it set aside a minimum of 75% of the shares for qualified institutional buyers (QIB), a maximum of 15% for non-institutional investors (NII), and a maximum of 10% for retail investors. A total of ₹7.50 crore in reserved equity shares made up the employee component. At ₹27 per share, the employee discount was calculated.
RK Swamy IPO, a provider of integrated marketing services, was open for subscriptions on Monday, March 4, and closed on Wednesday, March 6. The price band for each equity share with a face value of ₹5 was set at ₹270 to ₹288. 50 stock shares made up the lot, and after that, there were multiples of 50 equity shares.
Given the positive state of the market and the reasonable demand for subscriptions from all investor groups on the final day of the IPO process, market experts predict a flat listing.
As the first of its kind and a clear endeavor to become the first listed one-stop marketing solutions firm without having to compare itself to other rivals, experts also predict RK Swamy will get additional momentum after listing. But first, let's see what the current RK Swamy IPO GMP price indicates before listing.
According to, the RK Swamy IPO GMP today, or the RK Swamy Initial Public Offering gray market premium, was ₹0. This indicated that shares were selling at their issue price of ₹288 with no premium or discount on the gray market. For the past three sessions, this has been the pattern.
Gray market activity over the last 67 sessions indicates that the current GMP (₹0) is trending downward. ₹-5 is the lowest GMP and ₹90 is the highest. A "gray market premium" denotes the willingness of investors to part with more money than the issue price.