Power Mech Projects on Wednesday said it had landed an order for Rs 563 crore from state-owned BHEL to construct a nuclear power station. The Power Mech Projects Ltd (PMPL) has obtained its first building project in the key nuclear power industry, the business said in a regulatory filing.
According to the filing, the company has been awarded a significant order valued at Rs 563.23 crore from BHEL - Power Sector Southern Region for Civil, Structural, and Architectural works of turbine island package of 2x700 MWe, PHWR (pressurized heavy-water reactor), Kaiga Atomic Power Project (units 5 and 6) in Uttar Kannada district, Karnataka.
The scope of work includes a variety of segments spanning civil, electrical, and structural works, including TG (turbine generator) building, foundation for all equipment, chemical lab, storage tanks, peripheral drains, and sewage network.
The contract is for 32 months, with a 12-month guarantee period. This order marks Power Mech's expansion of its current industrial civil works capability into the nuclear power projects sector.
"In securing this project, another door opens for PMPL to further its establishment in the nuclear power sector and contribute to the nation's growing sustainable energy needs," Sajja Kishore Babu, PMPL Chairman and Managing Director, said in a statement.
While nuclear power now provides a modest 3 per cent to the national grid, the government's audacious ambition is to treble the capacity to 22,480 MW by 2031, making it approximately 9 percent of electricity generation by 2047, Babu remarked.
It would result in a 10-fold increase in nuclear power's output, he noted. Power Mech Projects Ltd (PMPL) is among the leading companies in project & infrastructure-construction.