The National Stock Exchange (NSE) said on Tuesday that it will test readiness to handle unforeseen events by holding a special live trading session on Saturday, May 18, 2024.
"Members are requested to note that the Exchange shall be conducting a special live trading session with an intra-day switch over from Primary site to Disaster Recovery site on Saturday, May 18, 2024 in Equity and Equity Derivatives segments," the exchange said in a press statement.
There will be two sessions during the special session. The first session would start at 9:15 am and go till 10 am. During this session, trading will take place from the main website.
Trading would take place in the second session from the catastrophe recovery location from 11:45 am to 1 pm.
"All securities, including those on which derivative products are offered, will have a five percent maximum price band. Securities priced at current levels of 2% or less will continue to be available within those price ranges. The NSE stated that all closed-ended mutual funds will be governed by 5% price bands.
"Every futures contract must have a 5% daily operating range. On that day, there will be no trading of futures contracts or securities. The price range for the equity segment and futures contracts that will be in effect at DC at the beginning of the day will also be in effect at DR. It further said that "any changes in the price bands of options contracts resulting from market factors up to the Primary site's close time would be carried forward to the Disaster Recovery site."
The SEBI requirements are being followed throughout the special trading session.