The National Stock Exchange (NSE) said on Wednesday that the number of its unique registered investors has surpassed 11 crore, with the most recent increase occurring in just five months. This indicates that investors are actively participating in the stock market.
With a 3.6-fold increase over the previous five years, investor registrations at the NSE have seen a notable acceleration in recent years.
After the NSE started operating in 1994, it took 14 years to reach one crore investors. After that, the pace accelerated, requiring almost seven years for the following one crore registrations, three and a half years for the next crore, and just over a year for the fourth crore.
"The rate of growth has since quickened significantly, with each additional 1 crore investors being added in roughly 6-7 months, while the last 1 crore investors were added in just over five months, reflecting a shift in investor enthusiasm and participation in the stock market through direct means," the NSE said in a statement.
Daily new unique investor registrations have continuously fluctuated between 47,000 and 73,000 during the past five months. Strong market performance, increased investor awareness, financial inclusion initiatives, and the quick development of digitization have all contributed to this expansion.