After meeting with senior officials of the German luxury vehicle manufacturer Mercedes-Benz, a state minister announced that the business will spend Rs 3,000 crore in Maharashtra. Following their meeting to talk about potential investments in the state, Industries Minister Uday Samant verified the news on social media.
A credible source claimed that more employment will be created as a result of this investment in a social media post. This year, Mercedes-Benz plans to invest Rs 3,000 crore in Maharashtra. Together with industries, this will lead to an increase in jobs in Maharashtra. This was discussed today as per the source.
Dr. Jörg Berger, Political Operations - External Affairs, Mercedes-Benz Group AG Director Marina Krets, Sales & Marketing, Region Overseas, Mercedes-Benz Group AG Director Martin Schulz, Executive Operations Head Venkatesh Kulkarni of Mercedes-Benz India, and other members of the management board had been introduced to him.
It is anticipated that this move would provide the Shiv Sena-BJP-NCP administration with an advantage before the state assembly elections. This is in response to accusations made by the opposition that Gujarat and other states are winning large-scale projects from Maharashtra.
Samant had previously mentioned that the Maharashtra group had met with their German counterparts and spoke about closing the skilled labor gap. Maharashtra, he declared, will help the German state of Baden-Württemberg with its labor demands.
Additionally, the minister promised to facilitate a seamless transition for Maharashtra's workforce and provide them with the necessary technical know-how and rudimentary German language ability to enable them to pursue employment possibilities with German businesses.