Maruti Suzuki India Limited has launched the all-new Swift with a starting price of Rs 6.49 lakh (ex-showroom India) in an effort to strengthen its foothold in the superhatch segment. The fourth-generation Epic New Swift will go on sale in the country on May 9, 2024, competing with another superhatch, the Hyundai Grand i20. Deliveries are likely to begin in June of this year.
While pre-bookings for the 2017 Swift are already underway at Maruti Suzuki dealerships across India, buyers can put orders by paying a nominal fee of Rs 11,000. The carmaker has already reserved 10,000 vehicles, with a further 30,000 set aside for export.
The business also stated that the car would be available on a monthly subscription basis for Rs 17,436, as well.
During the launch of the all-new Swift, Hisashi Takeuchi, MD & CEO of MSIL, said that the manufacturer had committed Rs 1,450 crore in the development of its new offering. Takeuchi further stated that India is home to 3 million Swifts out of a total of 6 million worldwide, making it the hatchback's largest market.
In India, the hatchback class remains popular, accounting for roughly 28% of total passenger car sales. Interestingly, the premium hatchback market accounts for roughly 60% of total hatchback sales," the MD explained.
The new Swift is powered by an all-new Z-Series engine. Takeuchi claimed that the refined new power train provides exceptional fuel efficiency. The Swift comes with 6 airbags and all the seats of the car have seat belts.