Maruti Suzuki India announced a significant price drop for several vehicles in its Auto Gear Shift (AGS) portfolio on Saturday. The cut, which takes effect on June 1, 2024, applies to a number of popular models, including the Alto K10, S-Presso, Celerio, Wagon-R, Swift, Dzire, Baleno, Fronx, and Ignis.
In an official release, Maruti Suzuki announced that the prices of certain AGS models had been reduced by Rs 5,000. The business added, "The business today announced a price reduction in its AGS (Auto Gear Shift) versions throughout its models.
The costs of AGS versions for all models (Alto K10, S-Presso, Celerio, Wagon-R, Swift, Dzire, Baleno, Fronx, and Ignis) have been cut by Rs 5,000. The prices will take effect today, June 1, 2024.
By lowering pricing, Maruti Suzuki hopes to make its AGS models more accessible to customers, perhaps increasing sales in a competitive market.