For the second consecutive day, the Sensex and Nifty saw gains as the Lok Sabha Election results showed that the BJP was unable to secure a majority of 272 seats. But now that the BJP led by Prime Minister Modi has the backing of the TDP and JDU to form a government, bulls are returning to the market. In early trade on Thursday, Sensex surged 822 points to 75,205 while Nifty gained 248.90 points to 22,866. The market experienced a robust comeback in the previous session as well, with the Nifty jumping 736 points to a high of 22,620 and the Sensex finishing at 74,382, up 2303 points.
Here is a numerical analysis of today's market rally:
Sensex Stocks in Green
Twenty-five Sensex stocks were up in value. Leading the Sensex advances were SBI, NTPC, PowerGrid, L&T, HCL Tech, and Tata Steel, which increased to 5.11% in early trades. The biggest losers, down as much as 1.92%, were M&M, HUL, Nestle, Asian Paints, and Sun Pharma.
9 Lakh Crore is Gained by Investors
In contrast to the value of Rs 408.02 lakh crore reported in the previous session on June 5, investor wealth increased by Rs 8.96 lakh crore to Rs 417.02 lakh crore.
94 BSE Stocks reached 52-Week Highs
Today, 94 stocks reached their 52-week highs. Nonetheless, in early Thursday trading on the BSE, thirty-two shares fell to their 52-week low.
Market Width with a Green Tint
2907 equities out of 3702 were trading higher. 149 stocks were unchanged while over 646 stocks were trading down.
Top gainers, Capital Goods, and Oil and Gas
Today's top gains on Dalal Street were led by capital goods, oil and gas, and metal equities. The metal, oil and gas, and capital goods BSE indexes increased by 3039 points, 1156 points, and 739 points, respectively. Today, all of the BSE sectoral indexes were trading higher.
Circuits Higher up than Circuits Lower Down
The early morning session saw a rally in the stock market, with almost 246 stocks reaching their highest peaks. However, 148 shares were able to reach their lower circuit restrictions.
Small-cap and Mid-cap Indexes Rise
The BSE midcap index increased 1174 points to 43,760, indicating market optimism. The small cap stocks index on the BSE increased by 1513 points to 47,790.
FII-DII Information
According to provisional NSE statistics, on Wednesday, foreign institutional investors sold shares worth a net of Rs 5656.26 crore, while domestic investors purchased shares worth Rs 4555 crore.