The 45-day Mahakumbh Mela will begin on Monday on the banks of Sangam in Prayagraj, with millions of pilgrims scheduled to take a dip on the celebration of Makar Sankranti. The UP government expectsThe 45-day Mahakumbh Mela, formerly known as Purna Kumbh, will begin Monday on the banks of the Sangam in Prayagraj, with an estimated one million pilgrims expected to participate on the first day, ahead of Makar Sankranti. The Uttar Pradesh administration expects 400 million tourists between January 13 and February 26, presenting a tremendous logistical issue.
Although some estimates are more conservative, Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath and state authorities predict that Mahakumbh 2025 will generate Rs 25,000 crore in government income and a Rs 2 trillion economic spin-off. The event is projected to benefit local self-help groups, craftsmen, hoteliers, guesthouse owners, restaurant operators, and food vendors, with major corporations like Dabur, Mother Dairy, and ITC investing Rs 3,000 crore.
According to official estimates, the 2019 Kumbh drew 240 million devotees, whereas the 2013 Purna Kumbh in Allahabad attracted 120 million pilgrims. The 2016 Kumbh at Ujjain attracted 75 million devotees.
The Adityanath-led Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) government in Uttar Pradesh has initiated 549 Mahakumbh-related projects worth Rs 6,900 crore, spanning from infrastructure to sanitation. In 2019, it launched 700 projects costing Rs 3,700 crore.
The state administration has taken elaborate efforts to guarantee that the Mahakumbh Mela goes off without a hitch. The fair's successful administration is an important component of its narrative for building "brand UP" and achieving its goal of being a $1 trillion economy.
With the development of the Kashi Vishwanath Dham corridor and the Ram Temple in Ayodhya, the Adityanath government's commitment to "cultural revival" would be strengthened.