According to market sources, Kotak Mahindra Investment Ltd and Hinduja Leyland Finance plan to raise up to Rs 540 crore through bonds on 10 November. Kotak Mahindra Investment would issue three Rs 490 crore bonds. It will raise Rs 240 crore through the first bond, which would mature in 539 days.
It would raise up to Rs 75 crore with 1058-day notes, including Rs 25 crore in greenshoe, and up to Rs 175 crore through 1172-day bonds. Furthermore, Hinduja Leyland Finance would issue up to Rs 50 crore using 117-month and 9-day notes.
CRISIL and ICRA have rated all of Kotak Mahindra Investment's bonds 'AAA' with a 'Stable' outlook. Similarly, CARE and CRISIL rated Hinduja Leyland Finance's bond 'AA' with a 'Stable' outlook. These bonds will be auctioned off on the BSE's electronic bidding platform.
Bonds were issued on November 9 by UGRO Capital, Chaitanya India Fin Credit Pvt Ltd, Reliance Industries, and LIC Housing Finance. Reliance Industries raised Rs 20,000 crore with 10-year bonds at a yield of 7.79 percent.
According to market sources, Reliance Industries bonds received bids of Rs 27,115 crore. LIC Housing Finance raised Rs 2000 crore using about 10-year notes.