In its first weekend at the box office, director Nag Ashwin's 3D science fiction production "Kalki 2898 AD" brought in a total of Rs 555 crore globally, the producers said on Monday. The multilingual film, which was shot on an alleged Rs 600 crore budget, stars Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, and Kamal Haasan.
Produced by Vyjayanthi Movies, "Kalki 2898 AD" (formerly known as "Project K") is marketed as a science fiction film blended with the Hindu epic Mahabharata. On its official X page, Vyjayanthi Movies posted the most recent box office numbers along with the message, "555 CRORES & counting."
"Kalki 2898 AD," starring Prabhas, surpasses the Rs 500 crore milestone at the global box office. In its first weekend at the box office, director Nag Ashwin's 3D science fiction production "Kalki 2898 AD" brought in a total of Rs 555 crore globally, the producers said on Monday.
The multilingual film, which was shot on an alleged Rs 600 crore budget, stars Prabhas, Deepika Padukone, Amitabh Bachchan, and Kamal Haasan. Produced by Vyjayanthi Movies, "Kalki 2898 AD" (formerly known as "Project K") is marketed as a science fiction film blended with the Hindu epic Mahabharata. On its official X page, Vyjayanthi Movies posted the most recent box office numbers along with the message, "555 CRORES & counting."
"The largest forces are in control of the global box office and don't appear to be slowing down." This entry was posted on Twitter under the hashtags #Kalki2898AD, #EpicBlockbusterKalki, @SrBachchan, @ikamalhaasan, #Prabhas, @deepikapadukone, @nagashwin7, @DishPatani, @Music_Santhosh, and @VyjayanthiFilms. On Thursday, the movie was released worldwide in six languages: English, Hindi, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, and Telugu.
The banner stated in another post that the Hindi version of "Kalki 2898 AD" made over Rs 115 crore in its debut weekend at the Indian box office. Prathyangira Cinemas, the US distributor of the picture, reports that "Kalki 2898AD" has become the "highest grossing first weekend film in North America for any Indian film" with a $10.5 million opening weekend. Saswata Chatterjee, Shobhana, and Disha Patani are also featured in the film. It is said to be the costliest feature film ever made in Indian history.