According to reports, the telecom companies Vodafone Idea, Bharti Airtel, and Reliance Jio have filed their bids for the Rs 96,317-crore spectrum auction, which is set to begin on June 6. The Adani Group company was a surprise bidder in the last auction in 2022, although the auction's new name has not been announced yet.
"Reliance Jio, Bharti Airtel, and Vodafone Idea have submitted applications for spectrum auction," an official source stated.
Eight spectrum bands for mobile phone services will be up for sale by the government, with a starting bid of around Rs 96,317 crore.
The auction includes all of the spectrum that is accessible in the following bands: 800 MHz, 900 MHz, 1,800 MHz, 2,100 MHz, 2,300 MHz, 2,500 MHz, 3,300 MHz, and 26 GHz.
At base pricing, the total frequencies up for grabs are worth at Rs 96,317 crore.
Successful bidders will be able to pay in 20 equal yearly installments during the spectrum's 20-year assignment. After a minimum of ten years, the DoT has offered the opportunity to turn in the spectrum that was obtained in the future auction. On May 10, the DoT will release the applicants' ownership data. May 17 is the deadline for application withdrawals, and May 20 is when the final bidder list is expected to be announced.