According to RBI Governor Shaktikanta Das, the Reserve Bank of India's task to bring down inflation is not over. He said that any premature move on the policy front could determine success achieved so far as per the current price situation.
Das had said at this juncture, monetary policy must remain vigilant and "not assume that our job on the inflation front is over. Furthermore as per the February Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) meeting released by the central bank on Thursday.
He further stated that the MPC must remain committed to successfully navigate the "last mile" of disinflation that can be sticky.
While voting for status quo in the key interest rate earlier this month, Das made the remarks.
"As markets are front-running central banks in anticipation of policy pivots, any premature move may undermine the success achieved so far," the governor said, as per the minutes
According to the minutes, monetary policy must remain restrictive in order to keep inflation under control while also decreasing the output costs of disinflation. He stated that policy restriction can only be lifted when inflation falls and remains near to the objective for an extended period of time.