Through the official LIC WhatsApp chatbot—LIC WhatsApp service—Life Insurance Corporation (LIC) of India enables its policyholders to quickly access information and services connected to plans.
In addition to information on loan eligibility, repayment estimates, policy status, bonus information, statement of units, links to LIC services, updates on premium due dates, loan interest due date notifications, certificates for paid premiums, opt-in/opt-out options, and ending conversations, the round-the-clock interactive service on WhatsApp is accessible to LIC members.
Here's How to Use WhatsApp To Check The Status Of Your LIC Policy and Other Information: Keep the official LIC WhatsApp number saved to your phone.
LIC offers WhatsApp services. The number to call is +91 8976862090. Send a hello to +91 8976862090 using your registered cellphone number now. Now, you can select from one of the eleven services available.
When you respond to a chat message with the option number you were given to pick a service (for example, 1 for a premium date, 2 for bonus information, etc.), LIC will reveal the specifics of your inquiry in the WhatsApp conversation.
However, policyholders must first register on the official LIC website in order to use the services. There are three steps you must do in order to register for Premier Services. Customers who have policies on their own lives or the lives of their minor children are eligible to receive benefits, according to the LIC website.