As per the Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman statement on Tuesday, India has become the fastest growing economy if we look at the last three consecutive financial years. Going forward, FM also said that this growth trajectory will continue in the coming years as well.
The coming 25 years is said to be crucial for India as per the Union Finance Minister. Furthermore, India witnessed a growth rate of 8% in three quarters and is said to experience a similar level of growth in the fourth quarter; pertaining to financial year 2023-24.
In a dialogue with industrialists and businessmen, Sitharaman stated, "India has been the fastest growing economy for the last three consecutive fiscal years, and this growth is expected to continue in the coming years." "The next 25 years will be critical for India."
She added that the legitimacy of India's economy is attracting an increasing number of foreign investors.
"Due to economic policy, greater macroeconomic stability, stable administration, stable taxation policy, and transparent tenders and procurement, India's economy has gained enormous acceleration,” exclaimed Union Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman.