Hemant Pandey was fired from Tesla at one time in his career. He is currently employed by Meta as a software developer, earning an annual salary of Rs 4 crore. As revealed to a credible source, Pandey secured an internship at Tesla, his "dream company," immediately following the conclusion of his graduation studies in Delhi in 2018. Pandey worked for the corporation full-time for just seven months before being let go.
It was his first employment, and he said, "I had to establish rapport all over again in six months after getting laid off." I had to establish my worth once more." In fact, he had encouraged his Indian parents to come to California. He subsequently worked for SAP out of desperation for a job before moving to Salesforce, where he spent two years.
Pandey applied to Meta in 2021 after reading about the company's "crazy" pay packages on tech forums. His current employer is Meta; he turned down offers from TikTok and LinkedIn. Software developers should keep three things in mind while crafting their resumes, according to Pandey.
First, he said, candidates should summarize their work experiences in a concise manner while limiting the scope of their job descriptions. "I like to keep it very ambiguous," he clarified."If people ask me what I did at Salesforce, I can help them know more by explaining rather than writing a paragraph," he stated in an interview. For every employment role, he only provides three bullet points. Former Disney recruiter Simon Taylor previously disclosed in a CNBC article that recruiters allot around "three to five seconds" for your CV. As a result, you must produce clear sentences that include enough information.
Second, even with a subpar master's GPA, candidates should still list it. He has spoken about getting fired at Tesla and having a poor GPA. "This makes a good growth and learning-from-failures story," he disclosed.
According to Pandey, when a software engineer advances in their profession, their responsibilities shift from coding to managing teams and completing projects. "However, they don't really care about how I'm leading or shipping products if I still interview for a startup," he remarked. They're interested in my ability to develop code and level of tech knowledge. Therefore, in addition to providing links to their prior coding work, he advises applicants to highlight their technical talents.