India's economic performance during the previous fiscal year will be thoroughly examined in the Economic Survey 2024-25, which is scheduled to be released on Friday. The report, which will be made public the day before the Union Budget, will highlight important advancements in agriculture, services, and industry while offering policy suggestions to spur economic growth and address problems.
Prior to this, he survey was presented in July before the full Budget 2024 because 2024 was an election year in India.
The Economic Survey is created by whom?
The Economic Survey, which is presented to the parliament by the finance minister, is prepared by the department of economic affairs' economic division under the direction of the chief economic advisor (CEA). FM Nirmala Sitharaman will present the Economic Survey 2024-25 to the Parliament on Friday, shortly after the President's speech to the joint session.
Economic Survey: Time and Date
On Friday, January 31, the Economic Survey is expected to be tabled in Parliament at 11:00 a.m.
Why Economic Survey Important?
The Survey provides a thorough evaluation of economic indicators like these, which is crucial in forming economic policies.
GDP expansion
Trends in inflation
Production from agriculture and industry
Levels of employment
Foreign exchange reserves
Fiscal trends and the money supply
The Survey's analysis of these variables aids in prioritizing important sectors, establishing reasonable revenue and spending goals, and bringing domestic policies into line with changes in the world economy. By offering a clear picture of the state of the economy, it also helps to control market and public expectations.
Can anyone gain access to the Economic Survey document?
Yes. After being presented in Parliament, the Economic Survey 2024-25 will be made available on the official India Budget website. The Ministry of Finance manages the platform, which also provides public access to previous years' reports.
Union Budget 2025
The Budget session in Parliament, which runs from January 31 to April 4, 2025, begins with the publication of the Economic Survey. On February 1, Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman will deliver her eighth consecutive Union Budget, outlining the government's revenue projections, policy priorities, and fiscal priorities for the next fiscal year.
The Economic Survey offers crucial context, assisting stakeholders in understanding the larger economic environment impacting budgetary decisions, even as the Union Budget delineates government spending and revenue plans. When taken as a whole, these documents provide India's economic policies for the upcoming year.