At its data center facility at the Bengal Silicon Valley Tech Hub in New Town Rajarhat, CtrlS Datacenters has set aside Rs 2,200 crore to be spent in stages. Four structures will be located on the five-acre land owned by the Hyderabad-based firm.
With a built-up area of more than 90,000 square feet (sqft) and a 16MW IT load capacity, the first data center building is anticipated to go online in two months.
According to Suresh Kumar Rathod, President of CtrlS Data Centers' colocation business, the campus's total IT load capacity may reach 60–80 MW or perhaps 100 MW. The amount of investment would change based on capacity.
Furthermore, as per Rathod, four or five service providers are constructing data centers throughout the entire New Town area. "In two more months, we're going to be the first to go live." He described the client as an "American giant."
The business claims that this will be East India's first Rated-4 data center.
The New Town campus's data center would have high-density rack capacity and be AI-ready. It would strive for LEED Platinum certification and feature a wide range of contemporary cooling systems. CtrlS operates 250 MW of live data centers in eight Indian markets. It plans to construct more than 600MW of data center capacity by 2029.