Corporate Infotech Pvt Ltd (CIPL) said on Wednesday that it has obtained a three-year contract for Rs 114 crore from the Indian Oil Corporation Limited (IOCL) to provide complete yearly maintenance of IT infrastructure across all divisions of the state-owned corporation.
CIPL stated in a statement that it will deploy more than 400 experts to supervise the regular comprehensive maintenance of Indian Oil's IT infrastructure across 131 locations nationally.
"The milestone contract with IOCL represents a significant success for the organization. "This demonstrates CIPL's credible track record and commitment to successfully delivering projects for our clients," stated Vinod Kumar, MD and CEO of CIPL.
The maintenance would encompass corrective and preventative services for all types of IT gear, according to CIPL, a major participant in the IT and ITeS sectors.
The firm, headquartered in Noida, generated a turnover of Rs 650 crore in FY24 and aspires to reach Rs 1,000 crore in FY25.
The business has completed projects for public sector undertakings (PSUs) including ONGC, SPMCIL, PFMS, NTPC, and the Airport Authority of India (AAI), among others.