The Sensex and Nifty recovered smartly on Wednesday after bears pummeled bulls on Dalal Street the previous session. The demonstration took place after PM Modi's NDA appeared poised to establish the government for the third time in a row. The Sensex surged 1613 points to 73,692, while the Nifty advanced 513 points to 22,398. The market capitalization of BSE-listed companies rose to Rs 403.12 lakh crore.
HUL, Asian Paints, Nestle India, Kotak Bank, and ITC topped the Sensex gains, which totaled 7.53%. L&T and PowerGrid were the sole Sensex losers, down up to 1.38%. Investor wealth increased by Rs 7.61 lakh crore to Rs 403.03 lakh crore, up from the previous session's valuation of Rs 395.42 lakh crore.
The top sectoral gainers on the BSE were auto, consumer durables, and IT stocks, with indices gaining by 1685.4 points, 1402 points, and 800 points, respectively. On the other hand, capital goods stocks were the biggest losses, with the BSE index sliding 270 points to 51,975. Market breadth was favorable, with 2103 stocks advancing and 1515 stocks falling on the BSE. 135 shares remained unchanged.
The BSE midcap index rose 1116.76 points to 41,904, indicating bullishness in the broader market. On the BSE, the small-cap stock index slid 594 points to 44,363. According to provisional NSE data, foreign institutional investors sold Rs 12,436 crore in equities on Tuesday, while domestic investors sold Rs 3318.98 crore.
Previous Session
On Tuesday, the Sensex fell 4,389 points to 72,079, while the Nifty closed 1379 points lower at 21,884. Investor wealth fell by Rs 31.09 lakh crore to Rs 394.83 lakh crore in the current session, from Rs 425.92 lakh crore the previous session.