On the BSE, Bajaj Auto shares increased 1.87 percent to a high of Rs 9,085.95. On April 2, the BSE100 stock reached a 52-week high of 9,356. The stock has increased 34% so far this year.
Q4 earnings report for Bajaj Auto: Ahead of the company's March quarter (Q4) earnings, shares of Bajaj Auto Ltd. were up 2% on Thursday. The large two-wheeler company will also declare its dividend, if any, for the previous fiscal year. Based on analyst forecasts, Bajaj Auto might see a year-over-year increase in net profit of 25–30% on a growth in revenue of 20–25%, along with some improvement in margin.
Bajaj Auto rose 1.87 percent on the BSE to a peak of Rs 9,085.95. On April 2, the BSE100 stock reached a 52-week high of 9,356. The stock has increased 34% so far this year.
According to Kotak Institutional Equities, net profit for Bajaj Auto might increase 31.7 percent year over year to Rs 1,886 crore, while sales could increase by 26% to Rs 11,216 crore. Ebitda margin is expected to increase by 70 basis points to 20% from 19.3% in the previous quarter.
Bajaj Auto's earnings was expected by Motilal Oswal to be Rs 1,817 crore, up 26.8% year over year. Sales for Bajaj Auto are expected to increase 23.1% YoY to Rs 10,959 crore. It is anticipated that the quarter's EBITDA will increase by 25.8% YoY to Rs 2,160 crore. On Bajaj Auto, Motilal Oswal has set a price target of Rs 8,115.
Nuvama predicts that Bajaj Auto sales would increase by 26% YoY, driven by a 25% YoY increase in volumes and a 1%–2% increase in ASPs. It stated that a reduced mix of 3W segments would help to offset the larger mix of premium 2W and EV sectors.
According to analysts, Bajaj Auto is seeing increases in its domestic market share, solid export volume performance, and a rise in EV sales. They predict a robust outlook for demand and margins, and they also expect valuation multiples to stay high because of the anticipated Initial Public Offerings of Alter and Ola, which could cause a revaluation of EV companies.