As per Jugeshinder ‘Robbie’ Singh, Adani Group's Chief Financial Officer, the Adani Group plans to invest Rs 1.3 trillion in FY25. This move is towards expanding capacity, wherein, the amount Adani Green Energy will spend Rs 34,000 crore for its facilities in Khavda in Gujarat.
Singh stated that the bulk of the investments will be in the airport and green energy businesses. Furthermore, the group’s investments are powered by funds which are from operations and have limited third party capital requirements. Furthermore, Adani Group of companies received INR 82,000 crore in cash flows in FY24.
Singh further said that the funding plan will include plans of raising equity capital of up to USD 3 billion (Rs 25,000 crore) across Adani Enterprises and other group companies. Also, Adani Enterprises and Adani Transmission have taken the needed shareholders' permission to sell shares to investors. Currently, tThe group is planning to refinance debt worth USD 3 billion in the upcoming FY25.
The group is also said to launch an initial public offering of its airport business by 2026 while planning to invest USD 100 billion in the next 10 years with a focus on energy transition and infrastructure sectors.
As much as 68 percent of the group’s funding plan is said to be generated from internal cash flow. "Every target mentioned by the chairman (Gautam Adani) about investment is on track and every penny of investment is tied up," Singh said. Additionally, almost 90 percent of Adani Group businesses are compliant with regulations and the group earns about USD 7 billion of free cash flow annually.