Reliance Infrastructure Ltd.'s stock dropped precipitously on Wednesday during trade. The stock fell 20% to settle at Rs 227.40, its bottom price range. The Supreme Court of India reportedly reversed a previous decision that required the Delhi Metro Rail Corporation (DMRC) to pay an arbitration award of about Rs 8,000 crore to Delhi Airport Metro Express Pvt Ltd (DAMEPL), a subsidiary of Reliance Infra. This news led to today's sharp decline in the share price.
For the most part, technical experts were "bearish" on the counter. Support was observed around the Rs 210–200 range.
Senior Research Analyst-Technical & Derivatives at Angel One, Osho Krishan, stated: "After its recent spectacular gain, Reliance Infra's stock fell 20% today, indicating a need for prudence in the near future. For the time being, the wobble should be cushioned by Rs 210–200; but, a further correction might break the intermediate trend. On the plus side, caution is advised till it regains the Rs 260 subzone."
"Reliance Infrastructure looks bearish on daily charts with strong resistance at Rs 280," stated AR Ramachandran of Tips2trades. The short-term aim of Rs 193 might be reached if the daily close is below the support level of Rs 225."
Anand Rathi Shares and Stock Brokers' senior manager of technical research analysis, Jigar S. Patel, stated: "Rs 214 and 241 will be the support and resistance levels, respectively. A strong closing over Rs 241 might lead to more gains up to Rs 250. For a month, the anticipated trading range is between Rs 250 and Rs 210."
Bourses Reliance Infra's securities are now covered by the short-term ASM (Additional Surveillance Measure) framework, according to the BSE and NSE. Exchanges warn investors of significant share price volatility by placing equities in either short-term or long-term ASM frameworks.
Chief Justice DY Chandrachud's panel granted the DMRC's curative plea in opposition to the rejection of its revision case challenging a 2017 arbitral verdict.
According to CJI Chandrachud, there was a miscarriage of justice in the court's previous ruling.In addition, he ruled that all money paid by DMRC to Delhi Airport Metro be reimbursed and halted the proceedings in the execution suit that the airport had filed in the Delhi High Court.
In 2017, the Delhi Airport Metro Express was victorious in the DMRC arbitration award.It had maintained that structural flaws in the viaduct constructed by the DMRC prevented trains from operating on the airport line. September 2021: The arbitral verdict was maintained by the highest court.
DMRC filed a review petition in the case, which the Supreme Court denied in November 2021. Later, in August 2022, DMRC petitioned the Supreme Court for a remedy against the arbitral verdict.