As the market as a whole rebounded from Wednesday's selloff, ten out of ten listed Adani group equities saw a rise of up to 7% in Thursday's session, adding roughly Rs 57,000 crore to their market capitalization (m-cap). With increases of 4–7%, the top group gainers were Adani Energy Solutions Ltd., Adani Green Energy Ltd., Adani Total Gas Ltd., and the flagship company of the Adani group, Adani Enterprises Ltd. Adani Wilmar Ltd., ACC Ltd., Adani Ports and Special Economic Zone Ltd., and New Delhi Television Ltd. all saw gains of two to three percent.
In the preceding session, the Adani group's market capitalization was down Rs 1,12,785.55 crore. The market valuation of the group was Rs 15.28 lakh crore on Thursday, up Rs 56,615.23 crore from Rs 14,72,009.88 crore on Wednesday.
Adani Energy Solutions' stock increased 7% to Rs 1,014.50 on the BSE. At Rs 1,839.40, Adani Green Energy shares were up 6.53%. Adani Total Gas increased by 6% to INR 926.30. Adani Enterprises' stock increased 4% to Rs 3,021.45 crore. Other Adani group gainers included NDTV (up 2.81 percent), Adani Ports (up 2.74 percent), ACC (up 2.72 percent), Adani Wilmar (up 2.48 percent), and Ambuja Cements (up 1.75 percent).
At Rs 531, Adani Power was up 0.5 Percent
The largest addition to the group m-cap was made by Adani Green Energy (Rs 17,875.80 crore). The increase in the group market value was also aided by Adani Enterprises (Rs 13,281 crore), Adani Energy Energy Solutions (Rs 7,468 crore), and Adani Ports (Rs 6,826 crore).
Billionaire Gautam Adani stated at a private function that the Adani group was able to complete important infrastructure projects while other companies in the same industry were having difficulty because of improved credit ratings and financial leverage.
"To get good ratings, I tightened disclosure as well as our governance and benchmarked it to the international standard." That helped the company increase exposure from Indian financial institutions to global, Adani said at the event.
"Today, we have a balanced portfolio of debt, with 29 per cent domestic banks, 30 per cent global banks, 34 per cent through global bonds and 7 per cent others," Adani said.
He continued, saying, "The 'chalta hai' attitude of development in the infra space, with huge time and cost overruns, is being replaced by a new sense of purpose and urgency. Adani Group has influenced the larger working culture in the infrastructure sector in many ways."