9 FINANCEOUTLOOKINDIAMARCH,2025Entrust Family OfficeAboutEntrust is a boutique Multi Family Oce, founded in 2013. We are dedicated to providing our clients with support on both investment and non-investment needs. We operate on a model that is completely aligned to clients with zero conflict of interest, with a seasoned team that has seen multiple market cycles.WHO WE HELPStartup founders | CXOs | Successful entrepreneurs | Accomplished professionals | Business FamiliesOur tailored suite of services is designed for the unique needs of India's ultra-high-net-worth families:INVESTMENT SERVICESPersonalised Wealth ManagementPrivate Equity Management ­ Seed to ExitVALUE ADDED SERVICESEstate PlanningReal Estate & Property Management ServicesTax Planning & Legal ServicesCORPORATE CFO SERVICESCFO AdvisoryFinancial & Legal Due DiligenceGovernance & ComplianceDeal StructuringFAMILY CFO SERVICESCoordination with Tax Advisors/AuditorsBill Payments & Cash-Flow ManagementAccounting & DocumentationManaging Banking Relationships & TransactionsEntrust Family Office#24, 4th Floor, Ist Cross, Magrath Road, Bangalore 560025Phone: +91 80 4147 9777 | +91 97313 08096Email: reachus@entrust.co.inMulti Family Office ExpertsKeepingWealth Wise12+yearsofHelping families with fortunescreate lasting legacies
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